• DAY TIME PRICE 9:00AM-5:00PM
  • NIGHT TIME PRICE 5:00PM-9:00AM (Price is differ)
  • WEEKEND RATE FRIDAY 5:00PM-MONDAY 9:00AM(Price is differ)

Locksmith MONTREAL Rates

Non emergency,  $75 Service Call fee + $115Hr labor & hardware costs,  Appointment required. 

Emergency Service $75 Service Call fee + $175Hr labor & hardware costs, Sameday window of 4 hours service VIP.

Call Us now to 514-836-9097 for quick professional solution in moments.

Lock Change Single Deadbolt UL F/C $75*
Car Lockout  / House Lockout $75*
Lock Re-key WR5, SC1, SC4, Y1, KW1 $25*
Transponder Car Key / Ignition Replacement (Depend on Model/Year Cut, Program) Start+ $175*
Lost Car Key (Depend on Model/Year) Start+ (Create key, Cut, Program) $275*
Mail Box Lock Lori/Standard $20 Per lock, Metal Russeau $65 $20*
File Cabinet keys $35*
Key duplication standard keys start $4*
Car Key Extraction $115*
 Safe Lockout cheapest sentry safe start (Depend on class Fire rated)  $300+*
* This cost is a minimum estimate for the respective job. The final cost will vary. It will depend on the security level of the lock-system plus labor charges.
* This cost is a minimum estimate for the respective job. Every key ignition is uniquely built and cut therefore, the final cost will vary. It will depend on the complexity of the job and    programming cost if associated.
Important Note: Unforeseen complications may arise at the site, these changes may affect the price by way of labor or parts. In any circumstance, changes to the final price will be explained before any work is done.

Best Price In Montreal– Montreal Locksmith Services fee’s

It doesn’t matter what time of the day or night it is, we are always available to send a qualified and experienced technician out to assist you and our response time is immediate. Always the same affordable rates daytime nighttime and holidays as well. Call Us Now  514-836-9097  24/7

Affordable Montreal Locksmith

Local locksmith you can trust 24/7 always get a well trained and reliable Montreal locksmith

Contact us Or CALL: 514-836-9097 LINE OPEN 24/7


Prices May change without notice. High Security lock price is different. Medeco, Abloy & Mul-T-lock & Scorpion CX5. Schalge SecureKey+™ Technology, New Weiser Smartkey™.

  • Hourly Rate is $115.00 minimum 3 Hours. Additional Hour $115.00 hr Daytime
  • Price is different on Afterhours, Weekends & holidays. $175.00 Hr After 5pm
Services & Charges:
  • Residential Locksmith Services:514-836-9097 Prices.When Calling make sure to provide us with Thickness of the door. Commercial Apartment building. Private home. Metal Door Wood Door Check If Frame is Metal or Wood.Deadbolt as shown (As Shown on picture)Jimmy proof (As Shown on picture)Color needed Silver/Gold/Antique Brass Safes/Vaults More picture on Products page
    Call for prices .Call for prices not listed
    **Open high Security Deadbolt Price is differ
    Prices can change anytime without notice.
  • Commercial Locksmith Services:514-836-9097 Prices.Commercial building.Deadbolt.Business Mortise cylinder as shown in picture. Metal Door. Wood Door. Safes/Vaults More picture on Products page Standard Business mortise cylinder 1″ Inch Mortise cylinder $50.00, 1″ 1/8 Inch Mortise cylinder $65.00, 1″ 1/4 Inch Mortise cylinder $75.00 Home Mortise Cylinder Thick door 2 1/4,  2 1/2 Inch., 1″ 1/4 Inch $75.00, 1″ 1/2 Inch $125.00, 1″ 3/8 Inch Mortise cylinder, 2″ Inch Mortise cylinder, 2” 1/2 Inch Mortise cylinder Call for prices Price not include.*Protection Plate Extra $90.00 and up*CG3 Ring Extra Minimal Protection $35.00Call for prices not listed**Open high Security Deadbolt Price is differ
    Prices can change anytime without notice.
  • Automobile Locksmith Services:514-836-9097 Prices. Chip keys Key cut prices can varies $100.00 – $500.00WE OPEN ALL CARS, TRUCKS.ACURA AUDI ALFA Italy B.M.W. X5 2001+ DEADLERSHIP BUICK CHEVROLET (MALIBU MOST YEARS)CHRYSLER DODGE DAEWOO Korea FORD (DOOR OPENING+KEYS)FERRARI (DOOR OPENING)FORD USA (DOOR OPENING)GENERAL MOTORS USA GM HONDA (Year 2001+)HYUNDAI Korea (Sonata Year 2002+)ISUZU INFINITI JAGUAR (DOOR OPENING)JEEP KIA Korea LAND ROVER England LEXUS LINCOLN MAZDA USA VOLKSWAGEN MITSUBISHI MERCEDES (DOOR OPENING)MERCURY MYSTIC GS NISSAN PONTIAC SUBARU 2000+ Impreza 2.5RSSUZUKITOYOTADoes it have a computer chip in the key?Yes, We cut, program your key, your car must be at our location for programming or we come to you.You must have an original key! WE DON’T DO ALL CARS SOME CARS REQUIRED PIN CODES WHICH WE DON’T HAVE ONLY DEALERSHIP. Open Car $50.00++Open Car + Boost your car $75.00++Towing nearest garage. $90.00++Open 18 Wheelers door $115.00++ Lock Re-key+Open door $225.00++Steering Wheel Lock key (Wilson The Club®)Prices can change anytime without notice.

CALL: 514-836-9097 24/7

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