2 March, 2016
1 category
Mailbox Locks STYLES
- Vous avez perdu ou brisé vos clés de boîte postale?
- You’ve lost or Broke your mailbox keys?
4 Kinds of mailbox locks which are follow.
- Wind lock from CANADAPOST community mailbox which are placed on street. We are not allowed to replaced or touch those locks, CALL canada post. If you have lost or broken community mailbox keys or if you have just moved, you can request new keys online. Exclusively to Canada post.
- Flat key mailbox lock which is usually in gold its been in the market since 1970’s
- Standard mailbox lock Dorex which is the most common lock on all newer buildings since 1995
- Metal Rousseau is an older from 1980 it’s still in service in older buildings from 1980’s it uses regular long keys 5 pins.
WIND MAILBOX LOCK from Canada Post Montreal Community mailboxes next to you.
Contact us Or CALL: 514-836-9097 LINE OPEN 24/7
Tags: BOITE AUX LETTRES MONTREALboite postale brise la cle boite aux lettres broke my mailbox key Canadapost mailbox lock Dorex mailbox lock LOCK METAL RUSSEAU LOST MAILBOX KEY lost my mailbox key mail box lock MAILBOX LOCK OPENING mailbox locksmith metal russeau boite aux lettres METAL RUSSEAU LOCK METALROUSSEAU SERRURE Montreal Locksmith MONTREAL MAILBOX OUVRAGE DE BOITE AUX LETTRES PERDU LA CLE BOITE AUX LETTRES perdu la cle boite postale predu la cle de boite aux lettre Rousseau Metal locks Rousseau Metal mailbox RUSSEAU METAL SERRURES serrure boite aux lettre wind SERRURE BOITE AUX LETTRES serrurier boite aux lettres Serrurier Montreal shay wind lock mailbox WIND MAILBOX LOCKS
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